So, I know it has been a short while since my last update, but remember what I said. . . Good things have been happening in my life lately, namely, school has been getting much better. I just found out today that I got a 90 on my first statistics test. This is the same class that is supposed to chew you up and spit you out. It's amazing how easy things are when you do homework.
Looking back, February was quite the exhausting month. According to my airline's website, I flew 6,031 miles over eight segments in February. The most grueling day was February 8th. On this day, I woke up in Washington, DC at 4:00 am for my 6:00 am flight to DFW connecting to a flight getting me into Austin at 11:00 am. At this point, I drove back to San Marcos from the airport to take a psychology test. After this, I had a couple of hours to unpack and repack my suitcase and eat lunch before heading back to the airport for a 5:00 pm flight to Los Angeles. It was on this day that I woke up at 4:00 am eastern time and went to bed at 11:00 pm pacific time. It was also on this day that I was inflight for both the sunrise and the sunset. Just in case anyone is wondering, I wouldn't recommend doing this kind of flying often. I was in Washington, DC for the American Red Cross Board of Governor's Meeting. The entire weekend was very interesting and was capped off by dinner at the Israeli Embassy. (pictures coming soon) I was in Pasadena, California for another very interesting meeting: the American Red Cross Association of Metro Managers. Pasadena was a very nice city; Sandy and I have made plans to go back to the Ritz when we have considerable sources of income to draw from. Two weekends after this huge trip, I made a daytrip up to DFW to present at a Regional Leadership Academy for Delta Sigma Phi. The American Red Cross and the fraternity are exploring partnership opportunities in both service and fundraising. The bad part about the presentation was that the weather was extremely crappy that day; I think the highs were in the mid to upper 20s. This was somewhat dangerous when trying to fly there and back the same day as the official airline of me was canceling flights right and left. The good thing about this is that particular airline has flight scheduled between DFW and Austin almost every forty-five minutes.
As I look forward on the horizon, Spring Break is quickly approaching. I'll be flying out to DC March 9th to attend a National Youth Council meeting that weekend. Then, on March 13th, Sandy and I are flying down to Miami for six days for fun in the sun! I can't wait to see all of my family and just have some time to relax and not worry about things.
Just a sidenote, I can't believe that the Games of the XX Winter Olympics are already over. For those that know me, they know that I am an Olympics freak. The sporting events are great, but I think the Olympics are much more than sport. They are about the world coming together in peace to compete under fair-play. I have aspirations to attend/volunteer at/work at an upcoming Olympic games. Beijing 2008 is right around the corner, so I don't think I'm going to make it there, but Vancouver 2010 and London 2012 are definitely options.
Looking a bit more forward into the future, I am going to have to start the process of selecting classes for the summer and fall very soon. This also means that I am going to have to find a place to live. I am really pushing for an apartment of some sort, but we'll see what happens. Me getting an apartment means me getting a job, which wouldn't be a bad thing. I'm going to be staying here for the summer enjoying overpriced classes. Right after finals, I'm going to DC yet again for the Red Cross National Convention and 125th Anniversary Celebration. The weekend after that, I am going to Rockport, MA for a family reunion of sorts. I'm already thinking that it is going to be a nice time, especially since I have never been to Massachusetts. Somewhere in the midst of the summer, I am also looking at going to Toronto with a couple of friends to visit a friend that lives there. The problem is airfare. . .flights to Canada are so extremely expensive. Right now, we are considering the alternative of jetting into Buffalo and getting a rental to drive to Toronto. We'll see what happens.
Well, I suppose I better wrap this post up. . .I'm kinda rambling on and on. Be on the lookout for great things at my new Google Page as I get it up and running. Also, for those of you questioning the randomness or definition of my post title, it is in an attempt to help Sandy study for the GRE. Tyro, according to a popular dictionary site, is "a beginner in learning".
Looking back, February was quite the exhausting month. According to my airline's website, I flew 6,031 miles over eight segments in February. The most grueling day was February 8th. On this day, I woke up in Washington, DC at 4:00 am for my 6:00 am flight to DFW connecting to a flight getting me into Austin at 11:00 am. At this point, I drove back to San Marcos from the airport to take a psychology test. After this, I had a couple of hours to unpack and repack my suitcase and eat lunch before heading back to the airport for a 5:00 pm flight to Los Angeles. It was on this day that I woke up at 4:00 am eastern time and went to bed at 11:00 pm pacific time. It was also on this day that I was inflight for both the sunrise and the sunset. Just in case anyone is wondering, I wouldn't recommend doing this kind of flying often. I was in Washington, DC for the American Red Cross Board of Governor's Meeting. The entire weekend was very interesting and was capped off by dinner at the Israeli Embassy. (pictures coming soon) I was in Pasadena, California for another very interesting meeting: the American Red Cross Association of Metro Managers. Pasadena was a very nice city; Sandy and I have made plans to go back to the Ritz when we have considerable sources of income to draw from. Two weekends after this huge trip, I made a daytrip up to DFW to present at a Regional Leadership Academy for Delta Sigma Phi. The American Red Cross and the fraternity are exploring partnership opportunities in both service and fundraising. The bad part about the presentation was that the weather was extremely crappy that day; I think the highs were in the mid to upper 20s. This was somewhat dangerous when trying to fly there and back the same day as the official airline of me was canceling flights right and left. The good thing about this is that particular airline has flight scheduled between DFW and Austin almost every forty-five minutes.
As I look forward on the horizon, Spring Break is quickly approaching. I'll be flying out to DC March 9th to attend a National Youth Council meeting that weekend. Then, on March 13th, Sandy and I are flying down to Miami for six days for fun in the sun! I can't wait to see all of my family and just have some time to relax and not worry about things.
Just a sidenote, I can't believe that the Games of the XX Winter Olympics are already over. For those that know me, they know that I am an Olympics freak. The sporting events are great, but I think the Olympics are much more than sport. They are about the world coming together in peace to compete under fair-play. I have aspirations to attend/volunteer at/work at an upcoming Olympic games. Beijing 2008 is right around the corner, so I don't think I'm going to make it there, but Vancouver 2010 and London 2012 are definitely options.
Looking a bit more forward into the future, I am going to have to start the process of selecting classes for the summer and fall very soon. This also means that I am going to have to find a place to live. I am really pushing for an apartment of some sort, but we'll see what happens. Me getting an apartment means me getting a job, which wouldn't be a bad thing. I'm going to be staying here for the summer enjoying overpriced classes. Right after finals, I'm going to DC yet again for the Red Cross National Convention and 125th Anniversary Celebration. The weekend after that, I am going to Rockport, MA for a family reunion of sorts. I'm already thinking that it is going to be a nice time, especially since I have never been to Massachusetts. Somewhere in the midst of the summer, I am also looking at going to Toronto with a couple of friends to visit a friend that lives there. The problem is airfare. . .flights to Canada are so extremely expensive. Right now, we are considering the alternative of jetting into Buffalo and getting a rental to drive to Toronto. We'll see what happens.
Well, I suppose I better wrap this post up. . .I'm kinda rambling on and on. Be on the lookout for great things at my new Google Page as I get it up and running. Also, for those of you questioning the randomness or definition of my post title, it is in an attempt to help Sandy study for the GRE. Tyro, according to a popular dictionary site, is "a beginner in learning".
congrats on the test score. Keep studying!!!
Anonymous, at 10:50 AM
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